WWE Extreme Rules 2018 Staff Predictions

The weekend is drawing close, and with it comes WWE’s latest joint-brand pay-per-view offering. This Sunday, Extreme Rules emanates from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania at the PPG Paints Arena – the 10th installment of the Extreme event.

Top attractions from RAW include Roman Reigns vs. Bobby Lashley, a 30-minute Iron Man match for the Intercontinental championship and Alexa Bliss defending the RAW Women’s Championship against Nia Jax with Ronda Rousey sitting ringside.

On the SmackDown side, we’ve got WWE Champion AJ Styles defending against Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura challenging Jeff Hardy for the United States Championship.

Several esteemed members of the SEScoops writing team have assembled for this ’roundtable predictions’ feature. Below, Ian Carey, Jeff Moss Andrew Ravens provide expert analysis and predictions WWE Extreme Rules 2018.

Hit up the comments section to let us know what you think of our staff predictions and share your own. 

WWE Extreme Rules 2018 Card

  • A.J. Styles vs. Rusev (WWE Title)
  • Roman Reigns vs. Bobby Lashley
  • Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax (RAW Women’s Title)
  • Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt vs. The B-Team (RAW Tag Titles)
  • Carmella vs. Asuka (SD! Live Women’s Title)
  • The Bludgeon Brothers vs. Team Hell No (SD! Live Tag Titles)
  • Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins (WWE I-C Title)
  • Jeff Hardy vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (WWE U.S. Title)
  • Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens (Steel Cage)
  • Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin


WWE Championship
A.J. Styles (C) vs. Rusev

Jeff Moss: Please, oh, please let this be RUSEV DAY! I have nothing against AJ Styles, he’s one of the best in the world. But I have to say, his time as champ has been dry turkey with no gravy. He’s a perfectly cromulent champion, but it’s time for some new blood. Rusev has made something from nothing with Rusev Day and if we can put the belt on Bray Wyatt for no reason, then Rusev surely deserves some time at the top. Rusev wins and goes on to feud with Big E so that I can hear him say “PHOOEY” to pancakes every week. (Prediction: Rusev)

Andrew Ravens: This might be the easiest and clear-cut pick on this entire card. There’s no reason to have Styles drop the strap at this event especially to Rusev, despite him being a fan favorite. Styles’ run as WWE Champion has been incredible and eventually he’ll lose it but if he didn’t lose it to a top guy like Shinsuke Nakamura over the last few months, it doesn’t make sense to put the strap on Rusev, who has only been pushed as a top star as of late and for such a short amount of time. Also, with SummerSlam right around the corner, it would make more sense for Styles to drop it next month instead of a B-show. Styles retains. (Prediction: A.J. Styles)

Ian Carey: As much as I’d love to say Sunday could be the day Rusev wins his first world championship, I don’t see it happening. They will have a great match, perhaps one capable of showing Vince McMahon Rusev should be a world champion someday but Styles will win. The real question is who Styles will defend against at SummerSlam. Samoa Joe strikes me as someone who could fill that role. (Prediction: A.J. Styles)

CONSENSUS: A.J. Styles (2-1)

Roman Reigns vs. Bobby Lashley

Jeff Moss: I’m going to go out on a limb and say the wet, muscley guy with little-to-no personality is going to win this match. (Flips Coin) So, Booby Lashley. Seriously though, since this match has absolutely no stakes to it, I say Lashey takes it. It’ll build him up a bit and make him look strong to the audience who doesn’t remember 10 years ago. What’s the worst that could happen to Roman by losing? People boo him? (Prediction: Bobby Lashley)

Andrew Ravens: Reigns is the likely favorite to win this match. Obviously, he still the top guy for them right now. It doesn’t make much sense to have Lashley go over in this match considering that SummerSlam is right around the corner. If Brock Lesnar is going to wrestle next month, then common sense would tell you that Reigns would be his opponent for the Universal Title. Unless plans have changed, Reigns goes over and faces Lesnar at SummerSlam. (Prediction: Roman Reigns)

Ian Carey: Reigns is evidently still being built for Lesnar. This is the case despite the fact that Reigns has now dropped 2 straight matches to him. Unless WWE randomly decides they want to build Bobby Lashley to be a monster, I don’t see them having him beat Roman. I also don’t think WWE sees much in Lashley, at least that is what their booking of him says. (Prediction: Roman Reigns)

CONSENSUS: Roman Reigns (2-1)

RAW Women’s Championship
(Ronda Rousey At Ringside)
Alexa Bliss (C) vs. Nia Jax

Jeff Moss: Alexa Bliss is time and time again one of the best Heels on RAW. She lies, she cheats, she makes you love to hate her and she does whatever she can to hold onto that title. I’d expect her to retain here, possibly by DQ when Ronda Rousey remembers she works for WWE and jumps the barrier to lay waste to Bliss, Mickie James, Jax, Nattie and just for the heck of it, Liv Morgan. (Prediction: Alexa Bliss)

Andrew Ravens: This is a bridge gap between now and SummerSlam as the WWE continues to build towards a match with Bliss and Ronda Rousey that will likely go down at SummerSlam. Jax had a nice run with the title, but now the focus has shifted towards Bliss once again. Bliss retains. (Prediction: Alexa Bliss)

Ian Carey: I have to imagine Alexa Bliss is winning this match leading to a match with Ronda Rousey at SummerSlam. With Rousey sitting ringside, the winner of this match is her likely next opponent. WWE has already done Rousey vs Jax (which was great!) and Bliss has more natural heat than Jax does, so she’s the logical pick to face Rousey at SummerSlam. (Prediction: Alexa Bliss)

CONSENSUS: Alexa Bliss (3-0)

RAW Tag-Team Championships
Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt (C) vs. The B-Team

Jeff Moss: The Deleters of Worlds started off hot as hell via the madness of The Ultimate Deletion. They’ve cooled considerably since, especially given Bray Wyatt’s recent driving troubles. The B-Team takes the belts here to complete their improbable rise to the middle, and then they are called to the Hardy compound for a rematch. WONDERFUL!! (Prediction: The B-Team)

Andrew Ravens: There’s no question who goes over in this match considering that Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel have been presented as comedy players in this feud. It appears that WWE is setting up a program that will see Hardy and Wyatt feud with The Revival at SummerSlam. Thus, this match at Extreme Rules is a one-off. Wyatt and Hardy retain. (Prediction: Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt)

Ian Carey: I imagine this match will likely lead into the next Final Deletion style event. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that the B-Team win the titles here so that Hardy and Wyatt can take them back either at SummerSlam or at the Hardy Family Compound. Still, I think Hardy and Wyatt are a safer pick. (Prediction: Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt)

CONSENSUS: Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt (2-1)

SmackDown Live Women’s Championship
Carmella (C) vs. Asuka

Jeff Moss: In a perfect world, Auska would climb into the ring, kick James Ellsworth in the face so hard his balls become a new chin and then make some kind of decorative hat out of what’s left of Carmella. That said, this feels like a strange time to put the title on Auska when we know how dominant she can be. So I’d expect some more tomfoolery with Ellsworth will allow Carmella to slink away with the title and we’ll have one more match at Summerslam (Prediction: Carmella)

Andrew Ravens: An interesting match that could see either star win and it would make sense. Asuka has gotten the better of Carmella on television, which historically would have Carmella go over on the PPV. However, if WWE wants this feud to continue, then they would need Carmella to chase Asuka. I don’t see a title change here but rather at SummerSlam. Carmella retains. (Prediction: Carmella)

Ian Carey: James Ellsworth will be hanging above the ring in a shark cage for this match. While this should seemingly prevent him from interfering in the match, the opposite is usually the case. Asuka should win and take the title here but she won’t. She’s not Vince’s top-female in the division, that honor goes to Charlotte Flair. I’m predicting Carmella wins again due to help from Ellsworth and then moves on to face Charlotte at SummerSlam. (Prediction: Carmella)

CONSENSUS: Carmella (3-0)

SmackDown Live Tag-Team Championships
The Bludgeon Brothers (C) vs. Team Hell No

Jeff Moss: Are Team Hell No going to win these titles? YES! YES! YES! Is every blogger in the wrestlesphere going to make that joke in some way, shape, or form? YES! YES! YES! Truly though, you want to make it seem like Daniel Bryan’s return was more than just a couple of video packages and a feel-good story? Then let’s have him be involved in a story that matters (IE Championships!) The Bludgies have just about run their course and I can’t see them becoming super-interesting in the coming months. So why not let us enjoy two men arguing over which one of them (singular) is the tag team champions (plural)? (Prediction: Team Hell No)

Andrew Ravens: All signs point to Kane turning on Bryan, and that’s unfortunate. It makes no sense for Harper and Rowan to drop the straps here considering the build-up that WWE has invested in them up to this point. Bryan could face Kane at SummerSlam instead of the rumored match with Miz. It also doesn’t make much sense for Bryan and Kane to have a title run for a short amount of time due to the fact that Kane is running for Mayor. Harper and Rowan retain. (Prediction: The Bludgeon Brothers)

Ian Carey: Team Hell No should take the titles here. While Harper and Rowen have gotten a big push with their gimmick makeover, they aren’t the stars Daniel Bryan and Kane are. Putting the tag belts on Team Hell No puts them in a position to have a bigger match with another pair of guys at SummerSlam. It also helps keep Daniel Bryan out of the WWE title picture for awhile and they likely want him chasing the belt when it is held by a heel. (Prediction: Team Hell No)

CONSENSUS: Team Hell No (2-1)

WWE Intercontinental Championship
(30-Minute Iron Man Match)
Dolph Ziggler (C) vs. Seth Rollins

Jeff Moss: I think Ziggler will win, then win again, then Seth will win, then Ziggler again, then Seth, then Seth with a quick rollup as time expires, leading to extra time where Seth will ultimately get beat up by Drew McIntyre, leading to Ziggler retaining the title. If done right though, this could be the match of the night. It’s all a matter of which versions of these two guys show up. They both have a habit of being red hot or stone cold (no pun intended). (Prediction: Dolph Ziggler)

Andrew Ravens: This will be a classic match and could steal the show. They have already wrestled twice within the last month, and one would think that Rollins gets the title back due to Ziggler going over as of late. However, I could see them extending this program one more month as its been one of the top feuds on RAW. Ziggler goes over with some help from Drew McIntyre. (Prediction: Dolph Ziggler)

Ian Carey: That there has been no stipulation added to prevent Drew McIntyre from interfering seems significant. The likely conclusion to this match then has McIntyre helping Ziggler score the winning fall or somehow holding onto his title. My prediction is it will be a tie or a draw/no contest of some kind, with Ziggler retaining. (Prediction: Dolph Ziggler)

CONSENSUS: Dolph Ziggler (3-0)

WWE United States Championship
Jeff Hardy (C) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Jeff Moss: There’s two things I want from Jeff Hardy: 1.) To be as weird as Matt. 2.) Not to die. It’s been long rumoured that Hardy is working hurt and at 562 years of age, that’s not shocking. Nakamura needs something right now besides rap-metal and being a loveable foreign prankster, so the US title could be a good way to take him to the next level so he can become that jerk we all loved in Japan and we can get a REAL AJ/Nak feud. Also it gives Hardy enough time to heal, rise up and usurp Bray Wyatt as BROTHER NERO! (Prediction: Shinsuke Nakamura)

Andrew Ravens: WWE has a few options here with Hardy retaining or Nakamura getting his first title reign on the main roster. I have Nakamura winning due to him needing a big win after several losses to AJ Styles over the past few months. They could always set up a rematch at SummerSlam. (Prediction: Shinsuke Nakamura)

Ian Carey: Nakamura failed several times in a row to take the WWE title from Jinder Mahal in 2017. Then he failed multiple times to win the WWE title from AJ Styles this year. If Nakamura doesn’t beat Jeff Hardy to win the US title then they might as well give him back to NJPW so others can enjoy his work. (Prediction: Shinsuke Nakamura)

CONSENSUS: Shinsuke Nakamura (3-0)

Steel Cage Match
Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens

Jeff Moss: This is the one I’m looking forward to the most. Who wouldn’t want to watch Braun Strowman ragdoll someone around a steel cage? I’m kind of sad that it has to be Kevin Owens getting ragdolled, but then again, no one gets beat up by Braun Strowman like Kevin Owens. As long as the match doesn’t end in another toilet, I’ll be happy. (Prediction: Braun Strowman)

Andrew Ravens: The build-up to this match has focused on Strowman getting the better of Owens. By looking at how the WWE has booked programs in the past, Owens should get the win in this match. However, Vince McMahon is obviously a big fan of Strowman. Just look at how he has been booked. Strowman goes over in a crushing and dominating victory. (Prediction: Braun Strowman)

Ian Carey: Whatever WWE has planned for Braun Strowman, it’s big. He’s the “Monster in the Bank” and that briefcase will guarantee him a match against either Brock or Roman. He will be built up as unstoppable until then. Kevin Owens has re-signed with the company under a long-term deal. His role is to get people like Strowman over. (Prediction: Braun Strowman)

CONSENSUS: Braun Strowman (3-0)

Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin

Jeff Moss: Oh geez… Finn… buddy. What happened? I think this made-for-the-kickoff-show encounter will leave us all asking one vital question: Who are these people and what are they doing here? Finn has gone from killer demon cosplayer to smiley-dude-who-has-a-cool shirt, and Baron Corbin has gone from Baron Corbin… to Baron Corbin, but in a vest and (somehow) less hair. Truly there are no winners in this match, but for the sake of this article, the winner will be Finn. (Prediction: Finn Balor)

Andrew Ravens: Either one of these stars could go over, and I don’t think fans are as invested in this feud as WWE officials are at this point. Corbin goes over with a cheap win to keep the feud alive. (Prediction: Baron Corbin)

Ian Carey: It is entirely possible that Corbin wins this match. Vince McMahon has always like Corbin on account of he’s tall. That he is now in a position of authority on Raw might indicate Vince has rekindled his love for him. Vince likes Finn too but has failed to give him a big push since coming back from the injury that cost him the Universal Championship. Still, it seems as though Finn is a much bigger star and heading into SummerSlam that means something. (Prediction: Finn Balor)

CONSENSUS: Finn Balor (2-1)

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