Netflix has a new documentary series titled The Queen of Villains, focusing on the life and career of Dump Matsumoto, a central figure in women’s professional wrestling during the 1980s.
Queen of Villains explores the untold story of Dump Matsumoto, played by comedic actress Yuriyan Retriever. Matsumoto, known as Japan’s most infamous wrestling heel, was instrumental in the surge of women’s wrestling in Japan during the 1980s.
Unlike her contemporaries of the time, she gained fame through her brutal wrestling style and flamboyant personality, becoming a cultural phenomenon alongside the iconic tag team duo, the Crush Gals. The series also features Erika Karata and Ayame Goriki, who portray members of this legendary tag team.
Watch The Queen of Villains on Netflix (Subscription Required)
QOV Cast
Starring: Yuriyan Retriever, Erika Karata, Ayame Goriki Nobuko Sendo, Takuma Otoo, Daisuke Kuroda, Takumi Saitoh, Jun Murakami
- Developer/Producer/Writer: Osamu Suzuki
- Supervising Director: Kazuya Shiraishi
- Directors: Kazuya Shiraishi (Episodes 1-3), Katsuhito Mogi (Episodes 4-5)
- Theme song: “Are you serious?” by Awich
How did one girl become hated in Japan and whip everyone into a frenzy? One ordinary girl went on to captivate all of Japan. Now, the story of her viciously vile fight for survival is about to begin!
Get a first look at shocking scenes of Dump Matsumoto versus the Crush Gals! A girl named Kaoru Matsumoto works tirelessly to realize her dream of becoming a professional wrestler. However, she is oppressed by both her employers and her father, and starts to lose her sense of belonging. In time, she channels her sorrow and rage toward all of Japan, transforming into a villainous heel dreaded by everyone.
This set the stage for the Hair vs. Hair Death Match between the nation’s darling Chigusa Nagayo and enemy of the people Dump Matsumoto — a legendary women’s pro wrestling match that is still talked about to this day. Follow the lives of girls who were once nobodies, witness the sheer excitement they sparked, and discover what these wrestlers, who fought with all their might through a bygone era, are asking us in the present day.”
Described as a “fictional story based on real people and real events,” The Queen of Villains blends dramatic storytelling with elements of Matsumoto’s life. The series delves into her journey, highlighting the challenges faced by women in the male-dominated wrestling industry.
QOV promises to combine intense wrestling action with introspective storytelling, making it a highly anticipated release for wrestling fans and those intrigued by women’s contributions to sports history.
Stay tuned for our continued coverage of The Queen of Villains, premiering September 19, 2024 on Netflix.