3 Matches Confirmed For Tonight’s 205 Live

3 matches have been confirmed for 205 Live tonight. The matches were announced in the video below:


  • Brian Kendrick vs. Akira Tozawa
  • Mustafa Ali vs. Noam Dar
  • Tony Nese vs. Jack Gallagher

What is Going on in 205 Live?

Recently Triple H referred to the all-cruiserweight brand as a work in progress. The show’s viewership is said to be quite low, but it has been picking up steam as of late.

2 weeks ago Jack Gallagher won an entertaining 5-way elimination match to earn the right to face Neville at Fastlane. Gallagher and Neville were involved in an entertaining contract-signing for the match last night on Raw. Gallagher faces Nese tonight, and Neville will probably be near by.

Kendrick and Tozawa have been involved in an angle as well. Recently Kendrick offered to mentor Tozawa, but was turned down. Tajiri has also shown little respect to Kendrick as of late. That angle will be furthered tonight when Kendrick and Tozawa face each other in a match originally scheduled for Raw this week.


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