3 Reasons Why Roman Reigns Is The Right Intercontinental Champion

Since returning from a viral infection, Roman Reigns has been on a roll. After reuniting with his Shield brothers at Survivor Series and defeating The New Day, Reigns became a Grand Slam Champion the following night on RAW when he captured the Intercontinental Championship from 7-time IC Champion The Miz.

Love him or hate him, I think it was a smart move to put the Intercontinental Championship on Reigns at this time. Here are 3 reasons why:

The Miz Had To Legitimately Lose.

raw the miz seth rollins
The Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Seth Rollins onto a chair on WWE RAW 7/17/17. (Photo Credit: WWE.com)

It has come to light that The Miz will be taking time away from the ring to focus on his acting career as he’ll be working on a new movie.  The main point is that he won’t be around to continue a feud. Therefore, the superstar to take on the Intercontinental Championship needed to be able to legitimately defeat The Miz, as well as The Miztourage or, in this case, Shaemus and Cesaro.

Rollins and Ambrose did not interfere with the match, they just reacted to the actions of The Bar who distracted Roman to allow The Miz enough time to secure his Skull Crushing Finale; this had the added benefit of allowing WWE and Reigns to keep his face persona.

Roman also needed to show that he had the ability to kick out of a pin after Miz’s finishing move, and for it to be believable.  During his title reign, The Miz has used The Skull Crushing Finale to good affect, which usually results in a secured pin.  To give the Intercontinental Championship a clean and fresh start, the superstar to win it from The Miz needed to legitimately and believably defeat The Miz after a Skull Crushing Finale.

There aren’t many faces on the RAW roster, other than Reigns, who would be able to do this.

What Would You Do With Roman Reigns Otherwise?

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns (Photo Credit: WWE.com)

Let’s pretend for a moment that Roman wasn’t pushed and set up to win the Intercontinental Championship, and assume that he’s still scheduled/predicted to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 34.  Who does he work with until then?  Braun Strowman, Samoa Joe, Bray Wyatt, Kane?  Strowman and Joe vs Roman has been done, and Bray Wyatt just can’t win a match at the moment.  Kane could work as a revenge plot for his brother The Undertaker, but Kane and Strowman are currently in a feud together and I’m not sure I’d want to see Kane vs Roman Reigns anyway.

The other option would be to give Roman a shot at Lesnar, but Roman needs to earn that back again as he has dropped down the pecking order since being away.  This would also clash with the projected timeline working up towards the major showdown between these 2 at WrestleMania.

Perhaps he could get involved in the tag-team championship as a member of The Shield?  Except there’s an unfinished feud between The Bar and Reigns’ other Shield partners – Rollins and Ambrose.  It would appear awkward and mismatched to now bring Roman Reigns in as a tag-team champion, especially when Rollins and Ambrose were the founding members that caused this particular reunion.

Without the Intercontinental Championship, Roman wouldn’t be adding anything to the company.  As one of their main figureheads in the ring, he needs a strong purpose and direction, as does The Intercontinental Championship.

Looking After The Future Of The Intercontinental Championship.

intercontinental championship

The past year has seen The Miz and Dean Ambrose hold the Intercontinental Championship.  While it could be described as stable, some may say that it has been stale, boring and predictable, without competition in recent months.  Dean Ambrose would rely on disqualification to win, while The Miz would rely on outside help from his wife Maryse, or The Miztourage.  Roman Reigns offers a fresh start for the title, which would rely on power and skill rather than alternative/easy ways to win matches.

So although Samoa Joe feuded with Roman Reigns in the last year, and I’ve said that it would be old, adding the IC title now gives value to a new confrontation.  Suddenly The Intercontinental Championship isn’t being fought over among the mid-card.

Throw Finn Balor and Jason Jordan into the mix and there’s a Fatal 4-Way match at the Royal Rumble where Roman doesn’t need to be defeated to lose the championship.  Jason Jordan would then be perfect to open the title back up to the mid-card.

If the title was given to another Superstar, it risks floating around and becoming irrelevant; and with Brock Lesnar not always present, the Intercontinental Championship needs to remain relevant and held by a consistent superstar.  What is Roman Reigns other than consistent?

It is important to remember that Roman Reigns won’t be the last Intercontinental Champion.  In 2001 and 2002 there were 21 Intercontinental Championship reigns.  There have been 9 In the last 2 years.  Roman will come and go, but for now he acts as a solid platform and gateway for the future of the Intercontinental Championship.

Also, let’s remember that Roman has had other titles, and lost all of them.  Therefore he can be beaten, even if WWE make sure that it appears he can’t.

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