Home News AAA Cancels Guerra De Titanes; Has No TV Tapings Scheduled

AAA Cancels Guerra De Titanes; Has No TV Tapings Scheduled



AAA just announced on their official Facebook page that the December 4th Guerra de Titanes supercard has been cancelled:

This comes just two days after AAA announced Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Johnny Mundo as the main event for the recently vacated (by Alberto “El Patron” Del Rio) AAA Super Mega Heavyweight Championship. It’s not clear why this happened, with the press release being vague at best. It promises some kind of make-up card for the Tampico/Madero region down the line, but that’s about it. The issue is more complicated than “just” cancelling a major show, though, as pointed out by LuchaBlog’s Twitter account:

AAA now has no TV tapings on their schedule only has enough TV in the can to cover this coming weekend and the following weekend. They have cards that they could convert to TV tapings, and they’ve done things like that in the past. LuchaBlog also points out that we should learn more soon: