Home News AEW AEW Files for “All Elite Women” Trademark

AEW Files for “All Elite Women” Trademark

AEW Files for “All Elite Women” Trademark

All Elite Wrestling has filed a new trademark application that will interest fans of women’s wrestling.

On Monday, AEW filed to trademark the term, “All Elite Women” for usage in the production of television programming.

The trademark application does not yet appear in the USPTO database, but was first reported by PWInsider.

Among the ‘Goods and Services’ usage, “All Elite Women” will be used for:

  • Entertainment services in the nature of creation, development, and production of television programming;
  • Entertainment services in the nature of professional athletes competing in wrestling;
  • Streaming of pay-per-view events material on the Internet; Streaming of audio material on the Internet; Streaming of video material on the Internet;

The application notes, All Elite Wrestling “has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods/services.”

All Elite Wrestling currently features four weekly shows in its programming lineup, including AEW Dynamite (TBS), Rampage (TNT) and Dark/Dark Elevation on YouTube.

Stay tuned for more when we gather more information about All Elite Women.

Latest AEW Women’s Rankings

Here’s a look at the latest Top 5 rankings for AEW’s women’s division:

  • AEW Women’s World Champion: Thunder Rosa
  • AEW TBS Champion: Jade Cargill


  1. Miyu Yamashita
  2. Toni Storm
  3. Kris Statlander
  4. Serena Deeb
  5. Nyla Rose

Visit our AEW Roster page to view the full list of women signed with AEW.