AEW Dynamite Results (12/16): Kenny Omega vs. Joey Janela, Sting Appears

AEW Dynamite aired from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville. Kenny Omega faced Joey Janela in this week’s main event. In addition to the takeaways below, Britt Baker attacked Thunder Rosa backstage during tonight’s show.

Dynamite Results (12/16)

  1. Matt Hardy & Private Party def. Hangman Page, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds
  2. Cody def. Alex Reynolds
  3. Inner Circle def. Best Friends, Top Flight, Varsity Blondes
  4. The Acclaimed def. SCU
  5. Big Swole & Serena Deeb def. Ivelisse & Diamante
  6. Kenny Omega def. Joey Janela

Here are the takeaways from this week’s show:

Matt Hardy Stole The Spotlight

Hangman Page teamed up with John Silver and Alex Reynolds to face Matt Hardy and Private Party in the first match of the night. Silver and Reynolds came down to the ring with cowboy hats on. Hangman and Marq Quen started off the action and avoided each other’s attack.

Matt tagged in and booted Hangman in the chest and brought him to the corner. Silver, Reynolds, and Hangman Page cleared the ring and John jumped on Page’s back. Hangman connected with a Senton on Kassidy for a two count. Hangman hit a Shooting Star Press and tagged in John Silver.

Silver tagged in and Kassidy got him in a Headlock. Quen tagged in and hit Silver with a Moonsault for a near fall. Matt finally tagged in and applied a Sleeper Hold but Silver was able to break the hold. Silver connected with a Brainbuster and tagged in Hangman.

Page hit Quen off the apron with a Clothesline and then delivered a Fallaway Slam for a two count. Matt Hardy tagged back in and planted Hangman with the Side Effect for a near fall. Hangman responded with a massive Clothesline and tagged in Reynolds. Quen tagged in and Alex hit him with an uppercut. Reynolds followed it up with a Neckbreaker for a two count.

Reynolds connected with a German Suplex but Matt Hardy broke it up. Matt then planted Silver with the Twist of Fate on the floor outside the ring. Private Party hit Gin & Juice on Reynolds and then Matt tagged himself in. Matt then covered Reynolds for the victory.

Cody Defeated Angelico

Cody Rhodes squared off against Angelico tonight on Dynamite. Before the match, it was announced that Brandi Rhodes was pregnant during a vignette. Arn Anderson & Jack Evans were ringside for the match.

Angelico connected with an Arm Drag and then locked up with Rhodes in the middle of the ring. Angelico and Cody traded shoves and then ran the ropes until Cody connected with a Dropkick for a one count as Dynamite went to a commercial break.

When Dynamite returned, Cody leveled Angelico with a knee to the face. Cody followed it up with a couple Clotheslines and then a Powerslam for a two count. Angelico applied a submission hold in the ring as the crowd got behind Cody.

Rhodes bit the bottom rope to break the hold and connected with a kick to Angelico’s face. Angelico dodged a Disaster Kick and locked in the Navarro Death Roll but Cody was able to reach the ropes. Cody connected with a Cutter for the pinfall victory.

After the match, Team Taz interrupted and mocked Cody’s announcement. Taz said that Brian Cage is going whoop TNT Champion Darby Allin’s ass. Taz added that Cody was about to be put on paternity leave right now but the lights went out. Sting came to the entrance ramp with his baseball bat and Team Taz retreated. Before making his way backstage, Sting winked as Darby Allin looked on.

Eddie Kingston Addressed His Enemies

Eddie Kingston came to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Kingston said he doesn’t care about anybody in the crowd and that he was here to address his enemies. Eddie stated that Pac went back home to nurse his injuries and suggested that his career was done.

Kingston brought up Lance Archer and he immediately interrupted. Archer attacked Kingston but Butcher & Blade rushed the ring. Rey Fenix, Pentagon, and Pac showed up and a brawl broke out. Fenix flipped onto Butcher and Blade outside the ring as Archer went to Chokeslam Kingston. Pac booted Kingston in the face and Eddie rolled out of the ring. Pac and Archer got in each other’s face to end the segment.

Inner Circle Picked Up A Win

Best Friends, Top Flight, and the Varsity Blondes faced Inner Circle tonight in a 12-man tag team match. Orange Cassidy joined commentary for the match but didn’t bother plugging in his headset. Jericho beat Pillman down in the corner of the ring to start off the action.

Pillman Jr. battled back with some chops to Jericho’s chest and then a Crossbody. Pillman hit Jericho with a Dropkick that sent Le Champion out of the ring. Back in the ring, Griff Garrison connected with a Leg Drop for a near fall. Sammy tagged in and Garrison greeted him with an Arm Drag.

Dante Martin of Top Flight tagged in and walked into a Dropkick from Guevara. Dante battled back and hit a Leg Drop for a near fall. Darius Martin tagged in and booted Sammy in the face for a two count. Best Friends brawled with Santana & Ortiz and then everyone started brawling with each other. Best Friends, Top Flight, and the Varsity Blondes cleared the ring and shared a hug as Inner Circle regrouped.

Santana planted Trent with a couple Suplexes and tagged in Ortiz. Ortiz beat Trent down some more and sent him out of the ring. Inner Circle beat Trent down and sent him into the barricade as Dynamite went to a commercial break.

When Dynamite returned, Sammy and Trent were battling in the ring. Sammy made his way to the top rope as Inner Circle chanted his name. Guevara went for a Shooting Star Press but Trent got out of the way and hit Sammy with a knee to the face.

Ortiz tagged in and Trent hit him with a Suplex. Darius tagged in and hit Ortiz with a Spanish Fly. Dante tagged in and flipped onto Santana and Ortiz outside the ring. Dante brought Ortiz back into the ring and hit him with an elbow to the face. Griff tagged in and elbowed Ortiz in the face. Jericho hit Garrison with the baseball bat while the referee was distracted. Jake Hager then hit Griff with an absolutely terrible F10 and then MJF tagged and pinned Garrison for the victory.

The Acclaimed Challenged The Young Bucks

SCU faced The Acclaimed tonight. Before the match, the two teams had a rap battle. AEW Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks were in the front row for the contest.

Max Caster battled with Christopher Daniels to start off the match. Daniels connected with a Dropkick and brought Caster to the corner. Anthony Bowens and Kazarian tagged in and Frankie connected with a couple chops as Dynamite went to a break.

When Dynamite returned, Daniels and Bowens were in the ring. Daniels connected with a Clothesline and followed it up with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Daniels leveled Bowens with a Crossbody off the top rope for another two count. Max Caster hit Daniels with a boombox and Bowens slammed Daniels to the canvas for the pinfall victory.

After the match, The Acclaimed rapped some more and said that they want the AEW Tag Team Championships. The Acclaimed challenged them to a title next week on Dynamite.

Serena Deeb & Big Swole Defeated Ivelisse & Diamante

Ivelisse & Diamante faced Big Swole & Serena Deeb tonight. Ivelisse and Serena started off the action and Deeb connected with a Clothesline. Big Swole and Diamante tagged in and Swole connected with a Backbreaker. Diamante followed it up with a German Suplex for a two count as Dynamite went to a break.

When Dynamite returned, Serena hit Diamante with a Dragon Screw. Deeb connected with a Gutbuster on Ivelisse and then locked in the Figure Four in the middle of the ring. Ivelisse battled to the ropes to break the hold and Diamante tagged in. Big Swole tagged in and planted Diamante with a Tiger Driver.

Big Swole locked in the Clearwater Cloverleaf on Diamante for the submission victory. Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero then rushed the ring and attacked from behind. Red Velvet ran to the ring with a steel chair for the save.

Omega Will Defend The Title Against Fenix

AEW Champion Kenny Omega faced Joey Janela in a No DQ World Championship Eliminator match. Joey Janela launched a trash can in Omega’s face as Don Callis demanded Tony give him his headset so he can call the match. Tony told Callis to kiss his ass and Don stormed away.

Omega slammed Joey’s face into a steel chair and then followed it up with a Suicide Dive. Don Callis then called the match with a microphone and handed it to Omega. Kenny shouted at Janela to get up and brought him into the ring. Omega handed the microphone to the referee and Moonsaulted onto him with a garbage can for a two count.

Don claimed it was a slow count as Omega hit Joey with a chop to the chest. Omega connected with a Double Stomp and went for the One Winged Angel but Janela countered into a Destroyer. Sonny Kiss brought a table out from under the ring and set it up.

Joey put Kenny on top of the table and climbed to the top rope. Janela connected with a Leg Drop through the table and rolled him back into the ring. Janela went for a Moonsault but Omega got out of the way and hit the V-Trigger. Omega hit another V-Trigger and then the One Winged Angel for the pinfall victory.

After the match, Death Triangle (Pac, Fenix, and Pentagon) came to the entrance ramp. Pac said he had unfinished with Kenny Omega but they were out here to address injustice. Pac stated that Fenix never lost in the Eliminator Tournament and questioned how Kenny can call himself the rightful champion.

Callis said that wrestlers do not tell the world champion what to do. Pac stated that he has already spoke to Tony Khan and that this match has been sanctioned. Pac announced that Kenny Omega will defend the title against Rey Fenix on the December 30th edition of Dynamite.

Opinion: Omega and Fenix will put on an awesome match in a couple of weeks and I’m already looking forward to it. I’m guessing that most people either love or hate The Acclaimed. I find their promos to be entertaining and they should have a great title match against The Young Bucks next week. Overall, this week’s Dynamite flew by and was a very entertaining show.

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