The AEW Games Youtube channel has launched 2.Show, a new digital series hosted by AEW World Champion Kenny Omega. On the premiere episode, Omega and Kip Sabian spoke discussed the AEW console video game currently in development.
Sabian asked Omega the top 5 most common questions about the game that AEW has received from fans. Topics discussed include:
- Gameplay: Arcade or simulation?
- Estimated release date
- Features: Create-a-Wrestler and Online
- WWF No Mercy creator Hideyuki “Geta” Iwashita’s involvement
Gameplay: Arcade or Simulation?
When asked if the AEW console game style will be simulation or arcade, Kenny Omega replied, “Neither.” He explained that if you look at a pure simulation game, the best example is the Fire Pro Wrestling series. This is a beloved franchise with a devoted fanbase. However, there’s a high learning curve and it makes it less fun for people who want to simply pick up and play with their friends.
AEW is looking to incorporate the speed of arcade play with the movs and countering systems of a simulation game. They are looking to create a wrestling game that lets players feel like they’re actually in the ring with their opponent. Players will have the areal offense of Rey Fenix and can perform variations of the Canadian destroyer.
A clip was shown of the Young Bucks’ Meltzer Driver tag team move in development.
Release Date
Kenny Omega said they are attempting to create the greatest pro wrestling video game of all time. They want it to be fun and last for a long time. To create a game that improves upon WWF No Mercy, it takes time and effort.
Omega made some jokes at the expense of WWE 2K20. “Sometimes, when games are rushed, they encounter a lot of bugs. They become almost unplayable, and then they become a meme in themselves. We don’t want that! We want people to have fun with this thing.” They’re working with the best game developers and producers. AEW Games will release a complete, playable, unbroken package.
Unfortunately, they can’t give a release date just yet. Omega hopes the game will be out “maybe next year, maybe the year after that.” He assured viewers that they will receive regular updates on the AEW Games channel.
Omega says he was impressed when he played an early build of the AEW video game.
Features: Create a Wrestler & Online Play
The game will absolutely have a Create-a-Wrestler mode. AEW understands this is a beloved feature and it’s a high priority to them as well. They know some fans like to use the CAW suite to create themselves, fictitious characters and wrestlers from other promotions.
There will “absolutely” be online play. Wrestling fans can play with their friends or against their friends. They are exploring ways to incorporate cross-play functionality, so [example] gamers who own the AEW video game on Xbox can play against people who own the console game on Playstation. Online mode will involve all match types and specific functions will be exclusive to online play.
Geta’s Involvement
Finally, they asked about the process of getting Hideyuki “Geta” Iwashita on board with this project. Geta was the driving force behind WWF No Mercy (N64), the 2000 classic that is considered by many to be the best wrestling video game ever.
Kenny Omega says he did a lot of footwork on this game before AEW even launched. When he was still over in Japan, he visited the AKI studio, creators of WWF No Mercy. He spoke with the one remaining team member who worked on the game. Much of the original team has moved on. Many of them are developing mobile games. They all loved working on wrestling video games.
Omega received a message from someone he met at E3. This friend informed him that he was friends with Geta, who heard about the visit with AKI. Geta was eager to meet. Omega flew to Japan, where they decided to make a game together ‘when the time is right.’ They had additional meetings. AEW then linked up with Yukes and Geta was excited to join the team.
You can watch the the premiere episode of AEW Games: 2.Show below. Kenny Omega and Kip Sabian discuss the AEW game: