How Aubrey Edwards Got Hooked To Wrestling Because Of CM Punk

Edwards reveals why she didn't watch wrestling as a kid

CM Punk’s 434 days run as the WWE champion and his infamous pipe bomb promo got a lot of people invested and reinvested into wrestling. As it turns out, AEW referee Aubrey Edwards is one of the personalities who got hooked to the sport thanks to the Straight Edge Star.

The female star was recently interviewed by Forbs for their YouTube series. During the talk, the 34-year-old revealed that she wasn’t a fan of wrestling from her childhood. She watched her first wrestling show at the age of 23:

“Most people end up watching wrestling as a kid and that’s not something I did. My dad said it was stupid and that it’s fake and you shouldn’t watch it.” revealed Aubrey Edwards, “But I first watched wrestling, WrestleMania 27. Couple friends of mine had a party and I literally have no idea what’s going on. [I was like] ‘this is okay, I guess.’

That was the moment that got my husband back into it. He was a fan when he was younger. So, he started watching it and one day I come home from work and he says, ‘Hey, you got to watch this thing that happened.’ It was June about 10 years ago where CM punk does his famous pipe bomb promo. From that moment, I was hooked.”

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