Bryan Danielson Considered A Break From Wrestling Before Joining AEW

Bryan Danielson had almost considered taking time off from wrestling before signing with All Elite Wrestling. Danielson is currently in New York City doing the media rounds ahead of Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam event from Arthur Ashe Stadium.

During an interview with the NY sports radio show WFAN, Danielson discussed his decision to sign with AEW, his article thanking WWE, and more. When explaining his decision to jump to AEW, Danielson revealed he considered taking a hiatus from wrestling after leaving WWE.

“A lot of people look at it in terms of there being two options,” said Danielson. “Either you’re going to be with WWE or AEW, but part of me was like, or I could just do like an independent schedule, where I don’t sign with anybody. I also thought about not coming back to wrestling at all. In the sense of at least for the next couple of years.”

Bryan Danielson’s Decision

Danielson is starting his AEW career at age 40. His decision to sign with AEW took some consideration on how it will affect his family.

“I wanted to take the Summer off because my daughter started pre-school and just being home with her every day,” he continued. “Her whole life, she’s four. I’ve left every week, almost every week. I loved it. She loved it, me being home every single night.”

“Now that I’m gone, I Facetime her every night, and it’s just like, Daddy, I miss you. I miss your cuddles, said Danielson. He shared that he considered stepping away from wrestling until his son started pre-school. However, he thought, considering his age, it was best to pursue AEW now.”

At this stage of his career, Danielson feels that he has nothing to prove in professional wrestling. The AEW contract he signed is for three years, in which afterward he expects to have a limited wrestling schedule. He’s also calling the next three years the climax of his career.

“My goal is, at the end of three years, to become a better person. I see these next three years as kind of my last three years as a full-time wrestler.”

– Bryan Danielson

Danielson’s AEW in-ring debut against AEW World Champion Kenny Omega this Wednesday at Dynamite: Grand Slam.

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