DDP On His Love For Darby Allin: “He’s a Bigger Risk-Taker Than Jeff Hardy”

There are not many wrestlers like Darby Allin. He has it all, from his persona, his in-ring skills, his ability to sell moves and build an underdog connection with the fans. This is a viewpoint shared by wrestling legend Diamond Dallas Page, who has developed a friendship with Allin.

Talking on a recent episode of the It’s My House podcast, Diamond Dallas Page had plenty of say about Darby and his future in wrestling.

DDP holds a very special place in the wrestling community. He has worked with many different promotions and has literally saved the lives of fellow wrestlers with his DDP Yoga lifestyle. He leads a very strict and healthy lifestyle, and that is something he and Darby Allin share. Albeit if via different methodologies.

“I love Darby. He’s a great kid, he’ll call me up if he’s coming into town.”

Page wasted no words in showing his appreciation for Darby as a technician and a hard-working athlete. “Darby is someone who puts the work in and does everything he can to reverse the risk-taking that he does,” said DDP. “But, he doesn’t even need to do that s*it anymore. He could do a coffin drop here and there, he could do like one or two high spots a match. Because Darby really knows how to wrestle, Darby knows how to sell. And the people love him!”

DDP Understands the Jeff Hardy Comparisons

Any fan of professional wrestling will always make comparisons between wrestlers. Especially wrestlers that have that special something about their character. There has been no shortage of comparisons between Darby Allin and the charismatic enigma Jeff Hardy. Comparisons that DDP understands. However, he also spots one core difference between them.

“He’s a bigger risk taker than Jeff Hardy, and that says something. The difference between [the] two is one is straight edge and one’s not.”

DDP went on to discuss the career of Jeff Hardy and how remarkable it had been. “I think Jeff Hardy is just an unbelievable athlete. I don’t know how he’s still being able to do the s*it he’s able to do. But, he’s still in his 40s. And you really don’t feel this s*it until you start getting in your 50s, and when you get in your 60s. That’s when you feel your shoulders, your knees, your back, your neck.”

Darby Allin is an exciting prospect and has the entire wrestling world ahead of him. With the likes of Diamond Dallas Page and Sting in his corner, there is no end to what he can achieve in this business.

Posted August 13th, 2021 in AEW, News. Tagged: .

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