Eric Bischoff Comments On The AEW/Dominos Controversy

Chris Jericho and Nick Gage’s deathmatch at Fight for the Fallen ended up resulting in Dominos making a statement that they are evaluating their advertising presence on the show. Eric Bischoff commented on the fallout from the match recently on his 83 Weeks podcast.

“If I was a Dominos shareholder, I’d be a little hot. I’d question what the f**k is my advertising agency doing?” Bischoff said on the show.

“Take it from the guy who wrote the book ‘Controversy Creates Cash’ there is some controversy that really works in your benefit and particularly in this state of affairs we find ourselves in culturally today, there is a lot of controversy that can kick your ass and not be a benefit.”

Bischoff continued to say that it’s not so much that AEW chased off Dominos, but now the agency that represents Dominos will be less willing to purchase AEW ad spaces for other clients in the future as well.

“Dominos has an advertising agency, do you think that Dominos is the only client that that advertising agency has?”

He continued to say that there are very likely executives at Turner worried about the impacts this will have on ad sales for the network.

“Then everybody got excited when Pabst Blue Ribbon jumped in,” Bischoff continued. “Good for them, guess what? They don’t have a pot to piss in in terms of national advertising. Why is that? Because Pabst Blue Ribbon isn’t even a brewery, it’s a brand.”

Bischoff’s comments can be heard in the player below:
Posted August 5th, 2021 in AEW, News. Tagged: , , .

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