No, Ethan Page does not think women belong in the kitchen or that gay people are fatherless. He may or may not believe that Christ is King, but he certainly isn’t posting about it on social media.
Indeed, Ethan Page’s Twitter has been hacked and the person who did it is saying some super weird, offensive stuff.
We’re not going to link to the Tweets, because they’re probably going to get deleted, but here are some screenshots that show just how creepy some people can be.
Don’t Fall For It
And so on. It’s very clearly not ‘All Ego,’ but there are inevitably some fans who could think this was some sort of awkward “heel turn.” It’s not. He was hacked. Page even took to Instagram to let his followers know he was hacked, as well as what he was having for lunch.
From Ethan Page’s Instagram
It’s important to note that while it may seem like a good idea to report the account, in today’s crazy Twitter climate, his account may get banned if it’s reported. So it’s best to just ignore what the poster is saying and move on. Don’t respond, don’t engage and, most importantly, DO NOT click on any links that he may post.