Jake Roberts On Sobriety: I’d Have Died Years Ago If Not For DDP

Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts would not be living right now if not for the immense effort from him and others to combat his substance abuse issues. For years, Roberts battled an addiction to alcohol and other substances and would spend 14 weeks in a WWE-endorsed rehab clinic in 2007. Despite this, it wouldn’t be until Page moved in with ‘Diamond’ Dallas Page in 2012 that Roberts was able to turn his life around.

Speaking on the Insight podcast, Roberts was asked if he still struggles with his sobriety and shared that alcohol no longer is able to coax him.

“The smell of alcohol turns my stomach. I can walk through an airport blindfolded and tell you where the bars are at. Because of the smell. That’s my stomach now and I’m glad.”

Roberts’ time with DDP and battle with substance abuse was documented in the documentary The Resurrection of Jake the Snake. When asked how he was able to overcome his demons, Jake made clear it wasn’t a solitary venture.

“A lot of damn work, it took a lot of work. It took a lot of patience and some good friends.

Roberts is just one of several wrestlers helped by DDP, who also aided Scott Hall with his battles with substances. Had Page not stepped in, Roberts would not have been alive for the interview according to the WWE legend.

“Nope. No doubt in my mind. I’d have been dead several years ago. That’s where I was going.”

Roberts is not just surviving, but thriving at the age of 69 as the manager of La Facción Ingobernable. Roberts also serves as an advisor for the community outreach program AEW Together where he uses his experience to help others make the right choices.

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