Jim Ross Says Ethan Page Will Be A “Big-Time Player” In AEW

If there was ever a man in wrestling who had an eye for talent, an ability to spot potential, then it is Jim Ross. He has been influential in the careers of so many stars over the years. In addition to his role as the voice of a generation. So, when he took time out on his podcast Grilling JR to talk the praises of Ethan Page, everybody listened.

“Darby is one of my favorites,” said Ross. “He’s one of my favorites to talk to. Darby is very creative. He comes up with a lot of his own material, shall we say. He’s one of our homegrown guys that we take pride in; he and Jungle Boy Jack Perry, for example. Nobody should sleep on Ethan Page. He’s going to be a big-time player. He’s doing really well.”

Ross says Page has the look, the attitude and the smarts to reach the upper echelon of AEW. As long as Page stays healthy, JR sees him contributing in a big way for many years to come.


Jim Ross Has an Eye for Talent

Ethan Page joined the AEW roster after the Revolution PPV back in March. Since then he has gone on to team with Scorpio Sky, entering into a long-running and violent feud with Sting and Darby Allin. That rivalry looks to reach its culmination this week at Fyter Fest when the pair face off in a coffin match. Jim Ross will be there to call the shots and has spoken to both fighters in recent weeks about their feud.

Ethan Page is no rookie when it comes to professional wrestling. He had quite the reputation in IMPACT, forming a formidable tag-team with Josh Alexander. However, the AEW roster is stacked for to get special praise from Jim Ross speaks volumes.

While partnering with Scorpio Sky, both men have been actively pursuing singles competition. Once the feud with Darby is over, it will be interesting to see where they position themselves. They will inevitably be chase gold, but which belt remains to be seen. There is no real opening right now, as all of the current AEW champions are involved in long-running feuds. However, that doesn’t mean the men of the year won’t start building something.

Jim Ross has been around a long time and doesn’t give praise where it’s not due. Expect to see Ethan Page move from strength to strength within AEW.

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Sunday, March 9 at 8:00pm