Jon Moxley Compares Modern Wrestling To Marvel Universe

Jon Moxley believes there are similarities between modern wrestling and the Marvel Universe.

Moxley has been having quite the ride since leaving WWE. He has competed for promotions such as NJPW and GCW but his main home is AEW. Moxley has made it clear that his passion for the wrestling business has been renewed since leaving WWE.

Jon Moxley Explains How Wrestling In 2021 Is Similar To Marvel Universe

Moxley appeared on the Throwing Down podcast and he said the wrestling industry used to be about trying to trick the audience into thinking real fights are going on. He then compared wrestling today to Marvel.

“That is not the case anymore in 2021. There’s real fighting, which is what you do, and there’s this. Fans are very passionate about it, but they know it’s — nobody’s being fooled into thinking they’re watching a legitimate thing, that’s a completely different separate sport now in 2021. What it is now is like the Marvel Universe, for instance. In real life, no one can shoot f-ckin’ spiderwebs out of their fingers or whatever, but in the Marvel Universe, there’s a guy that can and that’s accepted and you know that. So when he shoots somebody in the face with a spiderweb, Spider-Man, you totally accept it. So in pro wrestling, it’s like you have to understand the universe and then once you accept it like this is this fictional universe we’re living in, then you’re into it.”

Jon Moxley is participating in the AEW World Heavyweight Title tournament. He advanced to the semifinals where he will meet Orange Cassidy. Many expect him to take on Bryan Danielson in the finals at AEW Full Gear. Time will tell if things will shape up that way.

H/T to for the transcribed quotes

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