After performing on one show for All Elite Wrestling, Kylie Rae has been granted her release from the promotion. Tony Khan confirmed the 27-year-old asked for and was granted her release during the post-event media scrum from last night’s AEW show in Chicago.
“She is no longer with us,” Khan said. “She asked for her release and we granted it. She called me and asked if she could be released from her contract, it was pretty simple. I said ‘Yeah’ and asked if everything was okay. She said, ‘Yeah,’ and didn’t want to be with the company anymore.”
Kylie Rae Granted Release
Rae wrestled in the fatal 4-way match at Double or Nothing won by Britt Baker. Awesome Kong and Nyla Rose were the other two in the match. Kylie is also said to have deleted her Twitter earlier this summer. Her last match was at an independent show in Chicago in June.
Below is a backstage promo Rae cut shortly after her match from AEW’s Double or Nothing PPV back in May:
At one point she was said to reported to be facing Leva Bates at Fyter Fest but she was eventually replaced in the match by Allie.