The match between the Young Bucks and Lucha Bros from last night’s AEW PPV in Chicago involved several big table and ladder spots. The Bucks commented that they were a little banged up after the match but otherwise OK and happy with their performance.
“It feels good that they liked the show, it feels bad that I banged my head on the ladder at the end,” Matt said.
Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros – AEW All Out
Nick Jackson took a nasty spill through some tables during the match. He was pushed off the ladder and appeared to catch his legs on the top rope before spilling through a ladder below.
“My guardian angels were watching out after me on this one. 8 months ago, I had a scary fall that looked very similar. This time I went backwards and the one 8 months ago I went frontwards, let’s just say I’m never doing that spot again..” Nick said.
“We’re banged up, we’re sore but the fact that we’re not injured is a miracle,” Matt added. “If you go back and watch that match, unbelievable.”
The full post-event interview with the Young Bucks can be viewed in the player below: