Maxwell Jacob Friedman spoke with Renee Paquette and Miesha Tate on Monday’s edition of Throwing Down with Renee & Miesha on Sirius XM.
MJF was there to promote Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite from the UBS Arena on Long Island, NY. Renee introduced him as one of the 4 pillars of AEW and one of the best sh*t talkers in all of professional wrestling. MJF called the introduction “mid” and proceeded to introduce himself in typical MJF fashion.
When asked how it feels to have an AEW event in his home town, MJF says it feels great. Long Island is his home, it’s where the best people live and it’s the most magical place in the world. If you live there, you know MJF. He expects a huge ovation on Wednesday and wrestling fans will finally get to see how he should be treated everywhere.
On Wednesday, he expects to win his third consecutive Dynamite Diamond Ring battle royal. Unlike CM Punk, he won’t struggle to win.
Long Island Homecoming
MJF said that when he’s on the road, there’s oddly a perception that he’s not a good guy. In reality, he’s salt of the earth and the fine people of Long Island understand that. He can’t wait to have a packed arena of fans chanting his name.
MJF called his mother a disgusting skank and a huge glory hog, if we’re being honest. Everything is always about her. You’d think it’s enough for her to say that she raised a god. She always wants more and it’s disheartening.
Does MJF have any haters on Long Island? It might come as a shock, but in his hometown, he’s known as a hometown hero. People call him, “The King of Long Island.” No issues here, but he has issues when he leaves and has to deal with the poors and the fats.
MJF celebrated Hanukkah alone this year with his cat, Piper. He chose to not spend time with his family, because they just want this autograph so they can sell it on eBay.
When asked if he has a lot of friends, he said the Pinnacle are his friends. Shawn Spears, FTR, great guys. “Wardlow? Ehh. But the rest of em? Love them.”
His Beef With CM Punk
MJF explained that he’s got beef with CM Punk because Punk disrespected him. He tried to be respectful. He offered Punk his hand to shake. He tried his best. Not many people can say CM Punk offered to shake their hand. Instead of being a man, Punk walked away and snubbed him. He believes Punk should be shaking his hand for making him relevant again.
CM Punk recently said that Britt Baker should replace MJF as one of the Four Pillars of AEW. Baker’s significant other Adam Cole recently did an interview and said he’ll sock MJF in the face if he talks about her again.
“All respect to the Boom Boy,” MJF said of Adam Cole. “You know, Adam, Adam’s a great, great guy. I don’t have a problem with Adam. My problem is with Punk.”
MJF says Punk doesn’t care about younger talent. He’s working with up and comers to steal their spotlight. Punk needs the rub from MJF, but he’s not so sure that Punk has earned that respect.
Miesha Tate asked MJF about CM Punk’s short-lived UFC career. MJF actually gave Punk some credit for venturing outside pro wrestling. You won’t see MJF fighting in an MMA cage. “God bless him, he went for it. but if he’s in the ring with me, the same outcome will happen. He’ll be left a bloody mess.”
MJF on The Miz

CM Punk recently compared MJF to a low-rent version of WWE Superstar The Miz. Renee asked MJF what he thinks about The Miz.
“The Miz is a tremendous, tremendous performer,” he said. He then made the distinction, “I am a professional wrestler.”
When Renee said she’s a big Miz fan, MJF replied, “How could you not be? The guy is gold on the stick. In the ring, very solid too. If I’m being completely fair here, I’m not talking shit – it’s just factual. There are no holes in my game. And that is not a jab at Miz. Miz is great. But he’s not me.”
MJF said guys like Bryan Danielson, CM Punk and Kenny Omega are great, but they’re all lacking something. There’s nothing that MJF can’t do.
MJF grew tired of the “softball” questions and told Renee to give him something good. She asked what it’s going to look like when his AEW contract expires in 2024.
MJF said there’s a lot of intruiging match-ups for him outside of AEW. A lot of people want to see him wrestle guys like The Miz, Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns. They might get their wish, if Tony Khan doesn’t shell out the right type of cash. He told people to expect the greatest bidding war in the history of our sport.
Catch AEW Dynamite this Wednesday night on TNT and listen to Throwing Down with Renee & Miesha Monday afternoons on Sirius XM.