Offensive Max Caster Rap Edited Out of AEW Dark

Ever since their debut, The Acclaimed has had people talking. This is partly due to their in-ring skills, but largely due to the pre-match raps of Max Caster. His words are cutting, barbed and designed to skirt the line between acceptable and offensive.

There is no denying Max Caster is a talented linguist. However, this week on AEW Dark Caster went a little too far over the line. As is the nature of art, whether it is lyrical or visual, boundaries need to be pushed.

While his lyrics aired during the ‘live’ AEW Dark stream, they were sufficiently controversial to warrant a re-upload of the episode to YouTube. In the new file, Max Caster’s words were edited out. In fact, the entrance of both teams was fully removed from the broadcast.

During his entrance rap, Max Caster spat lines such as “make you claim mental health like Simone Biles” and a jab at the expense of the Duke lacrosse rape trial. He also referred to COVID conspiracy theorists with the line “those dudes are faker than a PCR test.”

Max Caster is No Stranger to Pushing Boundaries

This is not the first time that Max Caster’s pre-match raps have caused a bit of a storm. Including his barb at Jon Moxley following an appearance on Renee Young’s Oral Sessions podcast. However, there was something different about the venom this time around.

There was an air of poor decision making ahead of the incident, especially given when the show was filmed. This particular episode of AEW Dark was filmed immediately after Fight for the Fallen. A show hosted for the benefit of the victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. It is difficult to say where the blame should lie. Max Caster should have known better, but sometimes, in the moment, things are forgotten.

The real question is why AEW allowed the entrance to air during the initial stream when they had been sitting on the footage for close to a week.

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