Ricky Starks: WWE Can Insult The Audience & Get Away With It

Ricky Starks believes WWE takes liberties with its fanbase.

There has been plenty of criticism hurled WWE’s way over the past few years. Many believe that the promotion insults the intelligence of the fans. Starks, who wrestles under the AEW banner, shares this belief.

Appearing as a guest on SiriusXM’s Throwing Down w/ Renee & Miesha, Starks said he feels the higher-ups at WWE know they can get away with insulting the fans.

“Everyone says AEW is the alternative. I really think it’s the first choice now. AEW is great in the fact that, I think WWE has such a fanbase that they can insult the audience and get away with it. If you watch a TV show, let’s say like Lost, I feel like Lost insulted my intelligence halfway through and I kind of fell out of love with it. AEW is the opposite of that. You stay attached and you’re rewarded for watching so long. Even for people who haven’t followed wrestling, there are people on the show that you can connect to because they are authentic personalities.

“Watching it, there is something for everybody. Having new viewers or someone who is getting back into wrestling, AEW provides that sweet spot where you can watch it, have fun, you won’t feel stupid for watching it, you’ll be rewarded. There are great moments that are organic that you can fall in love with. The wrestlers are badass. We have men and women who are badass wrestlers.”

Ricky Starks is currently involved in a feud with Brian Cage. Cage was a member of Team Taz before being betrayed by Powerhouse Hobbs. Many believe that once Starks wraps up his rivalry with Cage, he will move on to CM Punk.

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