The Young Bucks Discuss AEW’s Collaborative Atmosphere

All Elite Wrestling (AEW) has taken great pride in establishing itself as an all-inclusive wrestling promotion. This mind-set extends to its backstage mentality, where they promote a collaborative atmosphere.

Speaking with TVInsider, Matt and Nick Jackson addressed cultivating this collaborative atmosphere, highlighting how open-minded they are to ideas in order to make AEW has good as it can be.

“If we’re working with a particular talent, we go to them with, ‘What do you think is best?’” Matt Jackson said. “Jon Moxley has a great mind and something the five of us have seen, he may see differently. He might have a different idea because he knows his character better and those nuances. Same with Pac. What a great mind he has and useful tools he has. Hangman Page, too. It’s not just us.”

He continued, “Chris Jericho, who is a genius, he’ll come up with an idea completely than what we had. Something we’ll call in a production meeting the night before, and he’ll go, ‘No, I think we should do it this way.’ And we listen. That’s what is fun about all this. That’s why it has come across so well the first few episodes because we are open-minded, and our ears are open. We’re willing to adjust and go with the flow.”

Alongside this collaborative workspace, their talent is also trusted to deliver on their promos without scripts. AEW World Champion Chris Jericho has previously explained how “There are no writers because that is what wrestling is.

Posted October 23rd, 2019 in AEW, News. Tagged: , , .

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