As revealed on Fusion, Alexander Hammerstone has re-signed with MLW. Hammerstone is the promotion’s current and inaugural National Openweight Champion and a member of the Dynasty faction along with Richard Holliday and Gino Medina.
Hammerstone took to social media to explain his decision to re-sign with MLW.
“The news just dropped on the latest episode of Fusion that I re-signed with MLW,” Hammerstone says in the video. “And I got some people asking me what made me make that decision? Why didn’t I go with this company or that company? And what you have to understand is how important pro-wrestling is to me. How important its become to me, how much it means to me to prove that I’m one of the best wrestlers in the world.”
Hammerstone then continued to say that what he wants in wrestling has changed over the years.
“When I first started, I was just trying to look good, have a couple matches, get scouted, have the big company come and offer me a contract. That’s what I thought I wanted but over the years that’s really changed. If you look at the matches in the last year alone with MLW, Marufuji, Go Shiozaki, Laredo Kid, Takashi Sugiura, T-Hawk, Davey Boy Smith Jr, Brian Pillman (Jr.), Rey Horus, like I’m wrestling the best wrestlers in the world. I’m getting to go out there, I’m not being told ‘hey, give us 5 minutes,’ I’m being told ‘hey, give us 25 minutes.’”
Hammerstone Touts Creative Freedom In MLW
From there, Hammerstone began talking about the freedom he is allowed in MLW.
“I’m getting to go out there and give you my best. I’m not being told how to act in promos, I’m not being told how to dress.”
“I don’t want to just make money and retire, I want to create a legacy,” he continued. “I think MLW has given me that platform.”
“I’ve just made MLW my home for the next couple of years so I hope you give it a chance, I hope you check out Fusion,” he continued. “I’m not going to be neutered, I’m not going to be chained-up.”
Check out our recent exclusive interview with Alexander Hammerstone: