Austin Theory Says John Cena Is HIs Inspiration, Reason Why He Got Into Wrestling

Austin Theory has sent waves through NXT since he made his debut in December last year. In this week’s episode of NXT, he took on Tommaso Ciampa and gave him a run for his money but eventually lost the match.

Theory was recently interviewed by where he was asked about his goals for 2020, which he revealed to be a match against his inspiration, John Cena. Austin said that Cena was the first person that got him into wrestling and he liked his attitude the most. Theory also revealed that he was bullied growing up and Cena’s way of handling himself gave him encouragement to push through the harder times.

“I remember turning on the TV, and the first thing I ever saw was John Cena in the ring doing a segment with Johnny Nitro at the time and Melina. I know that makes everybody’s eyes roll. But I remember watching that, and just his attitude, I just liked it.

“For me growing up, I was bullied in school, and I didn’t have my dad in my life, so it kind of helped me, like just his attitude and the way he was and the way he carried himself, no matter what the situation was. John Cena just gave me that encouragement, and even if it sounds cheesy, just to never give up. I mean it’s true, and that’s what’s gotten me here so quick,” said Theory.

As mentioned before, Austin Theory faced Ciampa and he actually shocked him in the early portions of the match with his upstarting performance. He dominated most of the match and gave an impressive performance despite losing.

Posted February 27th, 2020 in News, NXT. Tagged: , .

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