Backstage News From Monday's Live TNA iMPACT! Show

Monday Night iMPACT!
Monday Night iMPACT!

– The backstage atmosphere last night at iMPACT was described as “unique”. Among the talents, there were a lot of people scared for their long-term position with the company. Some feel that the new established stars will cause them to be overlooked and that they may be let go.

– TNA has pics from iMPACT up on their website at this link.

– The winter frost in Florida has made the TNA locker rooms very cold, as the facilities at Universal do not have heat — just air conditioning.

– Hundreds of fans were turned way last night at the iMPACT Zone. There were a vocal group of Bubba the Love Sponge fans, who were turned away and upset since they had passes from Bubba’s website to get in. Bubba responded to complaints on his Twitter, and noted that he knew that Dixie Carter would be upset, but said he would not speak badly of her again.

– The girls in the crowd that were shown on camera all night were local cheerleaders. TNA staff made sure they were seated where the camera would catch them.

– The person that got out of one limo and then to the other was supposed to be Eric Bischoff.

– The format that Eric Bischoff tore up and threw was the actual real format for the show. During the commercial break, security took pages away from fans who managed to catch them.

– The security guys that tried to keep out Mick Foley and The Nasty Boys were the old Phi-Delta Slam tag team, otherwise known as The Main Event Mafia’s security guards Rocco and Sal.

(Credit to for some of the information used in this report)