Billy Corgan On What The NWA Will Look Like In 1-Year
From October 2017 to October 2018, Billy Corgan has turned the NWA from a nearly dead brand to one with renewed relevance. He expects the next year to be just as monumental as this last one.
Corgan’s NWA will run their first branded event on Sunday from the Nashville Fairgrounds. The NWA 70th Anniversary will be main event’ed by the NWA World Heavyweight Championship rematch between Cody and Nick Aldis.
Corgan sat down with the Ringer to give his thoughts on where his promotion is going.
Billy Corgan on the NWA in 1-Year
Because of Corgan’s financial independence, he’s in a good position to take his product where he believes it should go.
“I don’t need anybody’s financing, I don’t need anybody’s TV network. I can operate on my own and do exactly as I please. And so that gives me sort of a different ability on a street level to pursue what I think is the coming market,” Corgan stated.
Corgan also mentioned at some point the person who dictates where wrestling is going is going to be the person who is writing the cheques.
“The question is as simple as this: This alternate kind of universe, this 24/7 collection of disparate forces that now exist, non-WWE in the world, they are going to come together at some point. Because the market will dictate it. Cody and the Bucks have already proven that that’s there. And I feel pretty strongly in saying that I think everybody in the business, including WWE, is aware that that’s coming. The question is, who’s going to write the check to decide which direction it’s going to go in?”
The full interview can be read here.