Bischoff Comments On "iMPACT!", Reaction To Doane's Tryout


— On his Facebook account, Eric Bischoff responded to a fan’s post regarding Monday’s iMPACT!. He wrote: “On the contrary, we are all convinced (as are most fans) that we proved definitively that we can produce a superior product. While it is going to take some time (and consistency) to gain the market share we hope to gain, we are thrilled with the product we presented, and are more than excited about the future.”

— Former WWE performer Ken Doane (a/k/a Kenny Dykstra), who worked a dark match with Homicide before Tuesday’s iMPACT! taping, received high marks for his tryout. No word yet on whether he’s been offered a contract. (source:

— Today is the last day to bid on a few ring worn items TNA Knockout Angelina Love has up for auction including platform boots worn on several episodes of iMPACT! and a beekeeper outfit. You can view the auctions at the following link.