Home News Bret Hart Explains Why He Was Disappointed With WM27

Bret Hart Explains Why He Was Disappointed With WM27


WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart recently spoke with SunSport and shared his thoughts on WrestleMania 27. The Hitman said overall, he was disappointed with the show and despite all the buildup, found it “anti-climactic.” Here are some highlights of what he said about:

The Rock’s Involvement:

“I was hoping The Rock would be a little more interesting than he was. I would have had him involved in the John Cena v Miz match right off the bat. My initial thinking about two months ago was that Rock was going to be working with Cena and somehow Miz would be involved, and it would be a triple threat type of match. I thought Rock needed to be in the match, not just talking about it. Don’t get me wrong — Rock is a great talent. Just looking at him, I think he is ready to get back in the ring. I’m sure he could have wrestled at WrestleMania and he should have done so. The excitement going in to WrestleMania this year was all tied in with Rock and when he didn’t actually do anything but stand around and be a mouthpiece all night, that didn’t really work. To me as a fan, if I want to see him be a mouthpiece then I’ll watch one of his movies. I wanted to see him do some wrestling. I guess I just expected a little bit more.”

Sheamus-Bryan Getteing Bumped & Cole vs. Lawler:

“I also had to scratch my head and wonder how the WWE could pull the Sheamus v Daniel Bryan match and let Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole go for 30 minutes. It just seemed really crazy to me. My biggest disappointment was that two of the best wrestlers in the company, Bryan and Sheamus, didn’t get a chance to show what they can do on a WrestleMania. I thought Lawler v Cole was built up really well, with most fans wanting to get their hands round Cole’s neck by the time WrestleMania came. But I don’t know why they went so long. It’s not a match that needs to go very long. Michael Cole clearly can’t actually do anything. That’s the part I don’t get. It should have been about four or five minutes long max. Sadly going so long, meant they really took all the light away from the other wrestlers that earned it through the year.”

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton:

“He (CM Punk) has got a really good ring presence. Better than anyone else, CM Punk understands his wrestling persona. He’s very serious about that character, and I like that passion that he has. It comes across in how he is day-to-day, just being around him. He’s a very committed, serious professional. His match with Orton, I thought, was really credible. To put together the match the way they did I thought it complemented both wrestlers, and they really told a good story. I liked the story, I liked the finish. It had a lot of twists and turns, you weren’t quite sure what was going to occur. I found myself going along with it all the way through and not knowing what was going to happen next — and to me that is a good wrestling match.”

To read more on what Bret Hart thought about WrestleMania 27, check out his interview over at SunSport.