Bret Hart Talks Canada vs USA Angle From 1997

Bret Hart recently opened up about the Hart Foundation vs USA angle from 1997.

Shortly after he turned heel at WrestleMania 13, Bret Hart aligned with his brother Owen, brothers-in-law Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart, as well as Brian Pillman to form the Hart Foundation. The faction cut anti-American promos regularly as they were cheered in Canada but booed in the United States.

Hart recently sat down with Fightful and spoke about the famous angle from 1997.

“I think there was an effort to keep it pretty smart in the beginning. That was where it kind of petered out was when they cut the power on me. Vince mysteriously ran out of ideas about the end of August,” Hart said about the angle.

Hart continued to say that Vince McMahon was pretty hands-on during the Canada vs USA angle. He suggested that after he won the title from the Undertaker at SummerSlam 97, Vince was less into the angle.

“Vince was hands-on telling me how to do the whole US / Canada thing. One of the things that happened after SummerSlam, after I worked with the Patriot and the Undertaker. But, that time period they just cut the power. If you watched my promos for the next two months, I’m walking out there and it’s the same thing as I had in WCW where I don’t know what I’m talking about,” Hart continued.

Hart continued to say that some fans in the United States got really angry with him over the angle. He talked about some fans following him in their trucks after shows.

“Even in those days, when I think of the United States today and how much problems with the political tensions that they have right now, if I go back to remember those days, I can remember in some of those places like Montgomery, Alabama, and places like that, getting in my car to drive off after the show and I would have hillbilly guys in trucks follow me for miles, shaking their fists at me and trying to drive me off the road. It was dangerous stuff.”

The full interview can be viewed in the player below:

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