Home News Bully Ray Being Considered For Title Run, Sarita Personal Issue

Bully Ray Being Considered For Title Run, Sarita Personal Issue


— TNA Wrestling’s creative department has contemplated making Bully Ray the World Heavyweight Champion as they feel he is the best heel in the professional wrestling industry today.

— Sarita stated on Facebook that she missed Tuesday evening’s CMLL show at Arena México due to an emergency requiring her to visit her native country (Canada, which she does not mention). The TNA Knockout issued an apology and promised to return to action soon.

— TNA Wrestling Senior Vice President of Programming and Talent Relations Bruce Prichard missed last week’s set of Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando, Florida. He recently suffered a pair of ‘small’ heart attacks, causing him to miss the prior set of tapings.

— The official Twitter feed of Impact Wrestling announced Wednesday that first and third row tickets have been made available for Sunday’s Lockdown pay-per-view event at Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee via Ticketmaster.com.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter