Card Released For Hulkamania Tour 11/21 In Melbourne

The official card has been announced for the first show of Hulk Hogan’s “Hulkamania: Let The Battle Begin” tour of Australia later this month. The following card will take place on November 21st from Melbourne:

* Nick Dinsmore and The Pimpfatha (Godfather) vs. Rock of Love

* Spartan 3000 Matt Cross vs. Shannon Moore

* Vampire Warrior (Gangrel) & Black Pearl vs. The Nasty Boys with Jimmy Hart

* Brutus Beefcake with Jimmy Hart vs. Heidenreich

* Bikini Challenge with Lacey Von Erich, Stephanie Pietz, Kiara Dillon and Koa Marie Turner

* Sean Morley (Val Venis) vs. Ken Anderson (Kennedy)

* Orlando Jorden & Edward Fatu (Umaga) vs. Solofa Fatu Jr. (Rikishi) & Brian Christopher

* Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan

For more on the Hulkamania Tour (videos &  news) visit our Hulkamania Tour News section!

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