Home News Cena Teases The Rock For RAW, Royal Rumble Buyrate Down

Cena Teases The Rock For RAW, Royal Rumble Buyrate Down


– John Cena tweeted the following on Sunday afternoon, which seems to imply The Rock will have some sort of involvement on Monday’s RAW:

“CeNation. Just got back from south america. Holy casserole it was magical. I heard a rumor that the rocks camp was pretty peeved at what I said on mon. I think he may have something planned for tomorrow. I can not wait.”

– According to the WWE corporate website, this year’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view is estimated to have drawn 449,000 buys. This is down from 462,000 buys in 2010 and virtually even with 2009’s 450,000 buys.

– WWE legend Randy Savage was spotted during Saturday’s New York Mets vs. Atlanta Braves spring training game in Port St. Lucie, Florida. A reader sent in this screen shot of Savage, who had great seats for the game .. Savage is the one that looks like Santa Clause playing on his cellphone: