Former WWE star Chris Masters is continuing his campaign to get hired by TNA Wrestling.
After recently changing his Twitter handle to @Chrismasters310, Masters recently tweeted the following – explaining how he’s going to make an impact on the business and referencing Vince McMahon and taking a shot at the Ultimate Warrior:
“My fellow Wrestling community,If U feel like the art of wrestling has been lost.To all those who care about story telling.I’m ur man#MTI2012”
“Vince said in business you got to be willing to step on toes.U got it VMac.I’m not just gonna step,I’m gonna Squash# MTI Masters2Impact2012”
“I just wanna say 1 thing.I’m no U Warrior!I appreciate WWE.I’m known worldwide because of them.No bitterness!Its campaign time,#MTI 2012”
“I’m just saying let’s take it to where wrestling still matters.This is a grassroits campaign so if you support me spread the word #MTI 2012”
“And I know there’s some who would say #MTI would make no Impact.But your still thinking of 2006 CM.Check out something more current.#IWC4MTI”