Home News Chyna Cancels Appearance At Wrestling Show In Maryland Tonight Due To Sudden Illness

Chyna Cancels Appearance At Wrestling Show In Maryland Tonight Due To Sudden Illness


Former WWE Women’s Champion Chyna was scheduled to appear at Maryland Championship Wrestling’s Season’s Beatings event in Joppatowne, Maryland tonight, but canceled at the last minute with her agent claiming flu-like symptoms.

MCW issued the following statement:

Unfortunately we regret to inform you that Chyna will not be appearing at tonight’s Seasons Beatings event in Joppa, MD at the MCW Arena.

We were never informed that there were any issues and for the last couple of weeks Chyna has been tweeting on twitter and Posting on Facebook promoting the appearance and telling her fans how excited she was to be coming in to meet them.

Doing our due diligence as we always do to follow up when we have performers coming in to a show last night we checked her itinerary leading up to when she was supposed to board her flight in LA. The airline noted that the itinerary was cancelled by the passengers (one for her and one for her agent Anthony from Good Guy Entertainment).

Obviously we immediately started reaching out to her agent because no one informed us of the itinerary cancellation. We then received this text from Anthony:

“I know it’s late there. I was going to wait a bit longer before I reached out. I’m just arriving at the hospital with Chyna. It might be appendicitis. We got to the airport and she bellied over in pain. I had no choice. Once I know more I’ll let you know”

We were curious as to how he knew that “It might be appendicitis” because he is not a doctor and he never gave us clarity on that but obviously we were concerned for her health first we asked Anthony to keep us in the loop and let us know what was going on. While concerned for her health we also still had to think about our show and our fans. We pulled up other flights that would be able to still get her here and started looking at back up options.

We received no other responses to texts at all for just about 11 hours. We sent several texts to Anthony to check on her status and her condition because we saw that she was retweeting people on Twitter so we were to assume that would not be a priority of someone that was doubled over in pain in an emergency room at a hospital. Anthony did not respond to any of our texts throughout the night and into the morning.

Finally 11 hours later at about 10:30 this morning EST, time we received the following text from Anthony:

“Cannot tell you how sorry we are. But Chyna can’t make it. I know this is horrible news. Just got her home. She has a virus that they still can’t determine. Tests on Monday with her doctor but she is sick, like it’s a bad flu. Vomit, sharp abdominal pain. If you send me the 100 pieces, I’ll have her sign for free to make up for air fare you lost. She will tweet her disappointment that she couldn’t be there. I will try to grab a video message from her later today expressing her disappointment to show the fans. So sorry, our first cancellation”

That being said our focus had to immediately shift to doing whatever we could not to disappoint the fans that are coming out to the final show of 2015, Seasons Beatings tonight at the MCW Arena in Joppa, MD.

Former WWE Star Billy Gunn literally dropped everything at 11:30 this morning, cancelled plans tonight with his family, got on the phone with us and found an airline ticket that can get him from Orlando Florida to BWI in time for the show tonight, got off the phone with us, grabbed his things and headed to the airport and is now enroute to Baltimore. What a class act and we appreciate him doing this for our fans.

Also cancelling family plans for this evening and dropping everything they are doing is Former WWE Diva and MCW Women’s Champion Mickie James and her fiancé Former TNA World Champion Magnus who are also on their way to Seasons Beatings to take part in the pre-show meet and greet.

Chyna is celebrating her birthday on Sunday as she turns 45-years-old.