CM Punk Interview: The Miz, Breaking Into Wrestling, MMA

Nexus leader CM Punk was interviewed on Thursday morning on Minneapolis, MN’s 93X Half-Assed Morning Show to hope Friday’s live event in the area. You can listen to the interview by clicking here (MP3).

Here are some highlights of what was talked about:

— The hosts asked Punk about his former “Chick Magnet” gimmick (the “CM” in CM Punk). He said when he was younger, he and his friends would watch WWE pay-per-views and would then hold backyard wrestling events. “That’s actually how I got into wrestling, Punk said. “I didn’t know of any wrestling schools or being trained or anything like that… It was the equivalent of me wanting to host a radio show and talking into tape recorder or something like that. I just went out and did it.”

– Punk said that breaking into the wrestling business was not easy. When he first started wrestling, he would wrestle for free at bars in front of two people. “That’s what you do to pay your dues,” Punk said.

— Punk put over the Miz saying he’s a buddy, come a long way, but he’s holding something that belongs to him and there’s a lot of other people that want that title right now. He also mentioned Santino as being a great comedy act and an example of what makes wrestling a different brand of entertainment.

— Punk was asked about the popularity of MMA and whether it takes away from WWE’s business, to which Punk argued that pro wrestling will always be popular.

— Punk and the hosts talked about how WWE storylines have always been great. Punk joked that he wouldn’t go that far, which got which got some laughs.

— Punk said he stole his GTS finisher from Japanese wrestler KENTA.

— He’s a huge fan of Japanese wrestling and a lot of his style is based on what he has learned from them.


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