Cody Rhodes Comments On Second AEW Show On TNT

Cody Rhodes TNT

All Elite Wrestling Executive Vice President Cody Rhodes took part in a media call this afternoon to promote Sunday’s AEW Revolution pay-per-view.

You can listen to full audio from the 45-minute call here.

SEScoops asked Cody about the second AEW show coming to TNT some time later this year. Will the show have a different format from Dynamite, and if so, what can fans expect?

“I think all of our shows will end up with a different format,” said Cody. “It’s a bit of a braintrust in forming those formats. Right now the focus is AEW Dark: Elevation, how we can make that different, and how we can feature our younger stars to get to know them. I’ll tell you one thing we won’t do with AEW Dark: Elevation, we’re not going to bait and switch. We’re not going to give you a show on night one that doesn’t reflect what that show will be like the rest of the year.”

Cody Rhodes once again was careful to state that the additional hour of content on TNT is not a third hour of AEW Dynamite. AEW officials have already decided upon a name for the second TNT show. Cody expects the cat will be out of the bag by the time AEW hosts its next media call.

“When it comes to the additional hour of content on TNT, and I’m careful to say third hour since people sometimes think we’re going three hours, which we are not. When it comes to that, I can only tell you that it has a name and I love its name, but I can’t tell you what it is. Hopefully, on the next media call, we’ll be talking about it, but it will happen in 2021.

He also teased that AEW talent will be appearing on another high-profile show that is part of the Warner Media family.

“In addition to that, there’s some other news featuring some other AEW talent regarding another show that is also in the Warner Media family.”

Cody Rhodes teams with Red Velvet against Shaquille O’Neil and Jade Cargill tonight on AEW Dynamite.