Home News Correction On Attendance At GFW TV Taping: Over 2,000 Fans At The Show?

Correction On Attendance At GFW TV Taping: Over 2,000 Fans At The Show?


Although it was initially reported that somewhere between 400 and 500 fans attended the GFW Amped television tapings on Friday in Las Vegas, that may not be the case as The Orleans Arena reported that there were 2,109 fans in attendance.

It’s worth noting that multiple correspondents estimated between 300 and 500 fans at the tapings. Additionally, The Orleans Arena said over 500 fans came through the turnstile after the show was already underway.

There were also fans with free tickets that seemed to come and go as they pleased. When the show first began, there were reports of fans being moved up to the first five or six rows to fill seats.

(Credit: F4WOnline.com)