Dixie Carter Holds Conference Call With TNA Roster Today

PWInsider is reporting Dixie Carter held a conference call earlier today for members of the TNA roster and crew. The conversation was said to be something of a “rah rah” speech as Dixie mentioned several aspects of the company have changed since the last roster meeting in Orlando during the first week of October.

Dixie introduced Eric Nordholm from Anthem Sports & Entertainment, noting that Nordholm would join the Board of Managers, which would lead the company’s day-to-day operations going forward. Dixie put over the company’s new relationship with Anthem Sports, the parent company of Canada’s Fight Network. Dixie says that Anthem invested enough money to help TNA reach the next level of competition.

Nordhom spoke to the roster himself, crediting them for their hard work ethic. He noted the positives that the new relationship between Anthem and TNA would yield for both companies.

It was also noted that TNA is trying to jumpstart their live event business again, and are interested in strengthening their fledgling relationship with Indian television producers, Sony Six. Several concepts were floated around including a streaming service not unlike the WWE Network.

Regarding TNA creative changes, Dixie confirmed that Billy Corgan is no longer with the company and that David Lagana resigned last week. Dixie says that John Gaburick, Matt Conway and Madison Rayne will handle creative duties going forward but they’re looking to hire other writers.

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