Legendary British wrestler, Doug Williams, has announced his retirement from professional wrestling. The 46-year-old’s career came to an end earlier today at Progress’ Hello Wembley show. Williams put his career on the line in a match against Trent Seven for the Atlas Championship and lost.
A legacy and a championship on the line. Williams vs Seven for the Atlas Championship is tense. #HelloWembley pic.twitter.com/4M9FHvBsnp
— PROGRESS Wrestling (@ThisIs_Progress) September 30, 2018
Williams spoke with the SportBible earlier this week about the upcoming retirement match.
“It was more their decision than mine,” Williams said. “They approached me with doing a different kind of storyline, which was a disgruntled veteran that was bitter about the new guys taking over. But I switched it on them and said I’m thinking about retiring next year anyway, why don’t we do a storyline that could culminate in that possibly happening?”
It’s late, I’m tired, I’m sore. It’s been a hell of a night. Tomorrow I will post my feelings and thoughts on what might happen now. But for tonight THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!
— Doug Williams (@DougWilliamsUK) September 30, 2018
Doug Williams’ 25-Year Career
Williams started working as a teenager in the 90s with NWA UK Hammerlock. He was then a member of the Ring of Honor roster started their first year in 2002. He would remain with the promotion until 2007.
By 2009, he had already appeared with Impact Wrestling a few times. The promotion would then make the UK a bigger priority and Williams was cast in the British Invasion faction.
Earlier this month, Williams had a chance to earn an NWA World Heavyweight Championship match against Cody but lost to Nick Aldis.