Johnny Mundo On His Time In Lucha Underground, WWE, Embarrassing Moments

Lucha Underground star Johnny Mundo recently spoke with the folks at Inside Pulse to promote his role in “Boone: The Bounty Hunter,” as well as his work in the Lucha Underground promotion. Below are highlights from the interview.

On an awkward and/or embarrassing moment: “Um, I feel embarrassed all the time, you kidding me? Every time I ding my car because I’m trying to eat a burrito bowl while driving and I crash into a parking cone with somebody else in the car. That happened to me, I want to say three months ago. I dented in my passenger side door. I was trying to adjust the radio while eating Chipotle while driving at the same time. I felt pretty bad, especially when I spilled the beans on my shirt.

“There’s a ton of times, like I was trying to do J Step Gainers a few years back, I think I was in WWE and I was in the middle of the ring, and I was wearing these breakaway pants and I swung for the take-off on this J Step Gainer and I hooked my pants somehow and it rips my pants off. I was wearing underwear but I had momentum and I flipped, kind of landed on my stomach and face a little bit but my pants fell off, and they were attached to my ankles. I did a flip and pantsed myself at the same time and landed on my face. That was a pretty good one. Actually, I wish that was on videotape. That would probably be a viral YouTube video.”

On his new show, “Boone: The Bounty Hunter”: “Oh bro, Boone: The Bounty Hunter is literally the thing that I’m absolutely the most excited about of everything that I’ve done. I wrote it, produced it, I’m actually tomorrow shooting pickups for it again. Movie-making is a very, very, very long process. Especially if you’re dealing with a project that you’re very passionate about and you want to see it finished right. I’m spending so much time on Boone and when it’s done I’m probably gonna tweet every day for a year telling everybody to watch it and let everybody know. All my friends know that I’ve been working on this for, oh over two years now. Yeah, I’m super-pumped for Boone.”

On if wrestlers who get the offer, should sign with WWE: “I really loved being with WWE. I don’t think anyone should turn down WWE because at some level it gets your name out there to the biggest audience the fastest and the more that people know your name around the world the more you’re in demand and the more money you can make as a wrestler, so- if people are turning down WWE I hope they have a good reason. (laughs) The only good reason in my book is to work with Lucha Underground, which is what I’m doing.”

Check out the complete interview at

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