Dustin Rhodes Reflects On Goldust’s Origins, Dusty Rhodes’ Polka Dots

All Elite Wrestling's Dustin Rhodes has reflected on becoming Goldust in WWE, and whether Dusty Rhodes' polka dots were meant to embarrass him.

All Elite Wrestling’s Dustin Rhodes was a guest on this week’s episode of AEW’s official podcast, Unrestricted. During the interview with hosts Tony Schiavone and Aubrey Edwards, Dustin opened up about the origins of his WWE character Goldust and Vince McMahon’s decision to have his father, Dusty Rhodes, dressed in polka dots. 

Dustin Rhodes Becomes Goldust

Dustin recalled Vince McMahon pitching him the Goldust gimmick. He remembered how Vince would refer to Goldust as “androgynous.”

He listened to the idea and agreed to meet up to discuss the gimmick further. After the call ended, Dustin would seek out a dictionary to look up what androgynous meant. He admitted he had no idea what he had just agreed to. 

Understanding the term, Dustin compared the gimmick to an Adrian Street or Adrian Adonis character. He added how he was into the idea of the face paint as he was “a big fan of Sting’s face paint and face paint in general.”

It wasn’t until a matchup with Savio Vega that Dustin would really connect with Goldust. He shared how Vega would work hard to have him experiment with situations that were “way over the line” for him.

He explained how he was a country boy from Texas, and trying these things scared him to death. “But that’s when I realized when I finally did it that to make something successful, you have to step out of yourself, outside of the box, and you got to create some magic of your own. You can’t just be scared all the time. You got to take a chance.”

Dusty’s Polka Dot Gear

After his father, Dusty Rhodes, signed with WWE in 1989, he began wearing polka dot gear. Tony Schiavone asked Dustin if he thinks this decision was made to embarrass the Rhodes family in some way. Schiavone pointed to Goldust and Stardust as potential further examples of his argument. 

Dustin confessed that he believes that could have been the case, and it was something he thought of at first. He then stressed how he wasn’t entirely sure: “At the beginning, I was thinking that, but Vince kept going with me, and I don’t know if he really didn’t give a s—t.”

“[…] I was young, so I didn’t really think about those things or look too much in depth. I mean Vince and I, he would come to me and he would say, ‘Dustin, you’re going to get a lot of flack on this,’ and he would be very personable with me and say, ‘you know, if you have any problems you call me.’ And I did on more than a few occasions not huge problems but just minor things that I was trying to work out because I was unsure at the time because I was so young.”

Looking back on his experiences, Dustin confessed that, at 50, he doesn’t believe it was a rib on him. Although he can’t be sure regarding Dusty’s polka dots, Dustin believes that Vince “meant it and every bit of it” when it came to Goldust and his offer to help. 

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