Home News Earl Hebner Gone From Impact Wrestling

Earl Hebner Gone From Impact Wrestling

Earl Hebner Gone From Impact Wrestling
Earl Hebner

Add Earl Hebner to the long list of people no longer with Impact Wrestling. He reportedly parted ways with the company earlier this week.

Hebner had a long career in WWE (1988-2005) before joining Impact back in 2006. He was inducted into the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2015.

Earl Hebner is the fourth Impact referee to depart the company this week, along with his son Brian Hebner, Robert King and Brian Stiffler.

Impact Wrestling is headed to Canada this weekend for Bound For Glory and next week’s Impact tapings and will be using local referees for those shows to minimize production costs.

Other departures this week include Rockstar Spudd, Marshe Rockett and MJ Jenkins.
