Editorial: An Open Letter To The WWE About Giving Bray Wyatt A Chance

Dear WWE,

At WrestleMania 31, Bray Wyatt had the best mic skills in the company. He carried his feud with the Undertaker, who was fresh off a loss against Brock Lesnar the year before. The Phenom didn’t set foot on WWE TV, despite Wyatt cutting golden promos week in and week out.

The Deadman made his climactic return to the big screen at WrestleMania 31. Wyatt lost to Taker in a good match. However, that was the peak of Wyatt’s status in World Wrestling Entertainment.

How is it that a top-level talent like Bray Wyatt continues to make threats, gets pushed for a week, and then loses to a team including the Big Show, Kane and Ryback? One of your own legends, Stone Cold Steve Austin, even commented on the lack of dedication with the Eater of Worlds.

“They’ve really homogenized The Wyatt Family. They’ve got great music. They’ve got a great entrance. Bray cuts a hell of a promo and Luke Harper is starting to cut great promos. He has drastically improved too and I know this guy’s a veteran guy … these guys were some of the hottest guys in the company a year, year and a half ago. Here we are now and, I mean, just quite frankly, it is what it is. They don’t mean what they should to this company. And Bray Wyatt, being the leader of this faction, is taking a huge hit. And that’s a travesty of booking right there because, again, these are some very talented guys within The Wyatt Family structure.”

I truly couldn’t have said it better myself.

Austin, who has a knack for knowing great wrestling when he sees it, is all but appalled at what is going on with Wyatt. Just by looking at who he has beside him, Braun Strowman has the look and Luke Harper is one of the best wrestlers in the business.

Erick Rowan is a big body that can move around, which comes in handy when in need of protection.

At one point, Wyatt was extremely over as a babyface, even if that wasn’t your intention. It seems like that is happening a lot recently.

Before the Wyatt Family would come out, the screen would immediately go dark and they’d say to each city, “We’re here!” From the adults to the children, they’d take out their cell phone and illuminate the room with their camera flash.

It became a staple of Monday Night Raw and Thursday Night Smackdown. 

What is it about Bray Wyatt that can’t be seen?

Is it his selling ability? Is it his work rate? Wyatt has had great matches without breaking a sweat and the way he cuts promos can be discussed in one word, “Excellent.”

WWE fans all around the world can see that Wyatt isn’t a priority anymore. That’s why the hashtag “#GiveBrayWyattAChance” began to trend last night during Raw.


Wyatt isn’t the Eater of Worlds. He isn’t the New Face of Fear. For that to happen, he needs to win matches. There must be a feud that sets him apart from the rest of the roster.

When his program with Daniel Bryan or the Undertaker ended, that was your chance to make that happen. If you’re worried about merchandise, check the arena when he was getting pushed. His shirt was all over the place. Fans even cosplayed as Wyatt on a daily basis at house shows.

Right before the Royal Rumble, Wyatt, and his minions attacked Lesnar. It was the perfect set-up for a WrestleMania match between the two.

Instead, Dean Ambrose got that slot filled and is now facing Lesnar at Mania. Not many are complaining about that match, but who is Bray Wyatt facing on April 3?

There’s a little more than four weeks until WrestleMania 32 and the Wyatt Family doesn’t even have a rivalry? There’s no logic in this. Especially after the brilliant return of Shane McMahon and instant push of Ambrose, was Wyatt simply forgotten about?

Please WWE, give Bray Wyatt a chance.


A Concerned Viewer

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