Home News Eric Bischoff Comments On When Hulk Hogan Sued A Cereal Company

Eric Bischoff Comments On When Hulk Hogan Sued A Cereal Company

Eric Bischoff Comments On When Hulk Hogan Sued A Cereal Company

Hulk Hogan once filed suit against Post Foods, the manufacturer of Cocoa Pebbles. The cereal once marketed a character named “Bulk Boulder” in commercials that was portrayed as a professional wrestler. The two sides settled out of court in 2010. No financial terms of the settlement were ever revealed but the commercial was pulled.

On a recent episode of the 83 Weeks podcast, Eric Bischoff commented on the suit.

“One of the things that people don’t realize is when you have a trademark, you have to protect it,” Bischoff said.

“If you, through your attorneys, don’t take some kind of action, affirmative action in response to it that is, in effect, abandoning your trademark.”

“Had Hulk Hogan and his attorneys not protected that trademark, they could have easily lost the rights to that trademark by not defending it.”

“I don’t think that Hulk Hogan was looking for a billion-dollar payday or any of those things. I think he just wanted a cease & desist and prove to the USPTO.gov group that he was indeed protecting his trademark.”

In 2013, Post signed a sponsorship deal with WWE Superstar, John Cena.

A commercial featuring the “Bulk Boulder” character can be viewed in the player below:

Bischoff’s comments can be heard in the player below:
