Eric Bischoff On If Hollywood Hogan Refused To Work With Bret Hart In 1998

Eric Bischoff recently spoke on Hollywood Hogan and Bret Hart on his 83 Weeks podcast.

Bret Hart vs Hollywood Hogan was once rumored to main event Halloween Havoc 98. Hogan would face the Ultimate Warrior on the show instead, however. Meanwhile, Bret tended to get lost in the shuffle quite a bit during this period in WCW.

On a recent episode of the 83 Weeks podcast, Conrad Thompson suggested to Bischoff that some feel it was Hogan not wanting to work with Bret Hart that led to the change. According to Bischoff, that narrative is only pushed by those who don’t like Hogan.

“I think the narrative about Hulk reaching out and convincing me to bring in Warrior so Hogan didn’t have to work with Bret… Look, the people that live in that world who believe that… who want to be on the ‘I hate Hogan team’ so much that they will believe any kind of nonsense that fits that narrative.”

Bischoff says that all Hogan would have had to do if he didn’t want to work with Bret was say so.

“All Hogan would have said with regard to Bret is ‘No, I don’t want to work with him’ that’s it. It wouldn’t require that Hulk do a duck-and-weave or bob-and-weave move to bring in (Warrior) to avoid me pressuring him to work with Bret.”

Bischoff’s comments can be heard in the player below:

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