– TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champion Eric Young stated on Twitter that he underwent throat surgery Thursday to remove polyps.
“Surgery sucks. I have had nothing to eat or drink since last night at 1000pm. I want to kill some body right about now. My surgery starts in 30 mins and I’m still in waiting room ggrrraaaggghhhhhhhhhh,” he wrote. “Still in waiting room for surgery. They have no idea how close they are from death like @REALBobbyRoode after 4 hrs with out food @RobbieEImpact.”
Young wrote Friday that he has resumed his daily activities and that his throat feels okay. Since 2004, he has undergone over fifteen throat surgeries.
– Jay Bradley, who competed as Ryan Braddock for WWE in 2008 and 2009, lost to Magnus in a dark match before Thursday’s live Impact Wrestling.
In a match taped for TNA Xplosion, Devon defended the TNA Television Championship against Robbie E.