EVOLVE returns this weekend with two new shows. EVOLVE 106 is scheduled to take place on Saturday in Brooklyn, NY at the Youth Center and EVOLVE 107 on Sunday in Melrose, MA at the Melrose Memorial Hall.
The promotion has stacked the lineups for these upcoming events. The main event for Saturday’s show will see Matt Riddle defend the EVOLVE Title against Shane Strickland while Sunday’s event will have Matt Riddle defending the EVOLVE Title against AR Fox.
EVOLVE Championship Match: Matt Riddle defends vs. Shane Strickland
WWN Championship Match: Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly defends vs. Joey Janela with Penelope Ford
WALTER vs. Darby Allin
Chris Dickinson, Jaka & Dom Garrini with Stokely Hathaway vs. Tracy Williams, Timothy Thatcher & Anthony Henry
AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk vs. DJZ
Bad Bones vs. Josh Briggs
The Skulk vs. The Skulk
NXT North American Championship Match: Adam Cole defends vs. WALTER
EVOLVE Championship Match (If Riddle Retains At EVOLVE 106): Matt Riddle defends vs. AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk
FIP World Heavyweight Championship Match: Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly defends vs. DJZ
Tracy Williams vs. Chris Dickinson with Stokely Hathaway
Darby Allin vs. Jarek 1:20 with Candy Cartwright
Dominic Garrini with Stokely Hathaway vs. Josh Briggs
What are your thoughts on this lineup? Do you plan on watching? Sound off in the comment section