TNA, Matt and Jeff Hardy certainly got the wrestling world talking about Tuesday night’s Final Deletion storyline, which ran throughout this week’s Impact broadcast and culminated with a match at the end of the show. The buzz on social media and our own discussion thread was overwhelmingly positive.
Drones, holograms, fireworks used as weapons, Broken Matt, a huge bump by Jeff Hardy, the Final Deletion had it all. As over the top and campy as it was, they produced a very memorable show that got people talking about TNA like we haven’t seen in quite some time. Here are some reactions from the wrestling world:
I lost.There4. . . . . . . . . . ?
— #BrotherNero DELETED (@JEFFHARDYBRAND) July 6, 2016
#TheFinalDeletion was brilliant! @MATTHARDYBRAND & @JEFFHARDYBRAND killed it! #BrokenMatt is the best character in @IMPACTWRESTLING history.
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 6, 2016
Ludicrous yes, but #TheFinalDeletion gave me Garvin at the Von Erich ranch vignette feels. The Hardys are true f*cking originals. Cant hate
— Andrew Goldstein (@AngeGold) July 6, 2016
Meanwhile, it wasn’t all positive. Lucha Underground executive producer Eric Van Wagenen took a shot at TNA over the segment, while Jeremy Borash was quick to throw some shade at LU and the limited availability of the El Rey Network.