After two weeks without airing an episode, Bullet Club’s “the Elite” released a short mini-episode earlier this evening. The title-less episode is under two minutes long and asks more questions than it answers.
In the closing moments of this episode, Flip Gordon announces to the camera that it’s time to reunite the boys. He then unnecessarily jumped over a guardrail before walking towards the Bucks.
Bullet Club OGs versus the Elite
It’s been an interesting 2018 for Bullet Club.
The previous Being the Elite episode was titled “Finale” and ended with Cody alone in the Bullet Club dressing room. Cody had defeated Kenny Omega but his friends had all deserted him and there was no one to celebrate with. It was later revealed on the show that Marty Scurll had signed a recording contract and would be leaving the show to perform in a pop band.
Further dissension between Marty Scurll and Cody was shown at the Ring of Honor shows this weekend. Cody attempted to hold the ropes open for Scurll but Scurll made a point of entering on another side of the ring. Scurll is owed a title rematch with Dalton Castle after winning the Defy or Deny 4-way match recently. Meanwhile, Cody still has yet to cash-in his rematch clause for another shot at Castle. It appears there could be some jealousy brewing between the two title contenders.
Two big matches take place this week in Japan regarding the Bullet Club civil war. Marty Scurll will team with the Young Bucks to challenge Bad Luck Fale & the Guerillas of Destiny for the NEVER Openweight 6-man titles on Thursday. Meanwhile, Cody will wrestle Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega will wrestle Hangman Page to co-main and main event the show respectively. Friday’s NJPW show will feature Bad Luck Fale, the Guerillas of Destiny & the Golden Lovers taking on Marty Scurll, Hangman Page, Cody, and the Young Bucks.