YouTube user, “ImSamCook”, has posted a video claiming to be “former best friends” with Enzo Amore’s accuser. Enzo’s accuser does appear in some of imSamCook’s earlier videos but it is not clear what their relationship is.
In the video, he claims to have gone on her phone and obtained text messages from Enzo’s accuser. He then runs down the timeline of events as he knows them.
Enzo Amore Fired
Enzo Amore was suspended shortly after the story came out and was later released yesterday. There has been some speculation that his release was given due to failing to inform WWE of the investigation but that has not been confirmed.
Per the Phoenix Police Department, there has been no change in the status of the Eric “Enzo Amore” Arndt case since yesterday. This plus WWE pivoting from suspension to firing suggests that not telling WWE he was being investigated was indeed the catalyst for the firing.
— David Bixenspan (@davidbix) January 23, 2018
Enzo’s legal team then sent out a release (via Twitter) that Enzo denies all claims against him:
— Enzo Amore (@real1) January 24, 2018
Here is Enzo’s accuser in a previous video with ImSamCook: